Ao Pé do Ouvido

English | Português | Español | Français

With the project Ao Pé do Ouvido (By the ear) we listen to the voices of people who relocate in São Paulo: migrants or refugees, foreigners or Brazilians. Each participant shares the dreamed life that led them to move looking for a better future. Their voices sound through little speakers fixed on the wall the height of each participant’s ear. 

Longings are varied, just as the languages that intertwine together. In a chorus, voices reveal different tones and tell us the collective dreams of São Paulo. This project invites us to listen to the new inhabitants of the city, while we question our own dreams. 

With the dreams of: Adriana, Annette, Ariannys, Arody, Bibiche, Carla, Carmen, Carnex, Catarina, Charlotte, Claudia, Claudine, Cristiane, Djalma, Djuma, Esteban, Fabienne, Hajira, Hortense, Jose, Julio, Kric, Manuel, Marc, Marie-Cleide, Marie, Marlene, Michaelle, Mirkaella, Mohammad, Nahomie, Nena, Nivenson, Omar, Ony, Roque, Rosa, Shanglais, Solange, Sonia L., Sonia R., Soveyda, Thiago, Veronica, Wendy, Wilfrid, Yari, Yasmin and Zacarias.

Curator: Mônica Hoff
Coordination: Thiego Montiel
With the invaluable help of Sara Lana
Speaker were recycled with Ciclo3 São Paulo
Installation: Matias Oliveira, Taygoara Schiavinoto
Text by Mônica Hoff here
Many thanks to Ana Bersani, Ana Medina, Ana Roman, Anderson Oliveira, Carmen Silva, Chico Bahia, Cristina Simone Dias, Erell Le Pape, Paolo Parise, Patrice Pauc, Paula Signorelli, Márcia Araujo, Nadège Mézié
and all the Pivô 2022 ciclo II residents,
as well as the whole team of Cieja Perus 1: Cris, Daniela, Fran, Gui, Kric, Patrícia, Rossini, Sergio and all the teachers.

This project was realized as part of Pivô Research residence, with the support of Consulat General of France in São Paulo and the collaboration of CIEJA Perus 1, CAMI, Ocupação 9 de Julho, Casa do Povo and Missão Paz in 2022.

Exhibitions: Chapelle des Jésuites (Chaumont, Fr, 2025),