Son Seul / Wildtrack

English | Français | Español

Félix Blume has been a sound engineer for films and documentaries for over a decade. Like his colleagues, he spends hours recording sounds alone after the shooting, finding noises and atmospheres typical to the location that will then enrich the film editing. Those sounds are called “Wildtracks” in English, “Sons seuls” in French.
One day while hunting for sounds, he realized he also produces images that are often absurd, poetic, crazy of even funny.
 While the point of view of the camera is static, the point of listening is moving. The action happens at the end of the microphone boom, producing a shift that invite us to watch with a new ear. The video series is composed of 35 short films recorded in all around the world.

Link to the video-serie on Vimeo

Festival Monophonic (Brussels, Be, 2014),  Galerie Labor Neunzehn during the festival Transmediale Vorspiel (Berlin, De, 2015), Festival REWIND Phonurgia (Arles, Fr, 2016), Festival Belluard with a new serie of videos for the festival (Fribourg, Ch, 2018), The Cube Space / Taiwan International Documentary Festival (Taiwan, Cn, 2018), Lisboa Soa (Lisbon, Pt, 2019), Frontiers of Solitude (
Ústí nad Labem, Cz, 2019), Oblastní galerie Vysočiny v Jihlavě (Jihlava, Cz, 2021), Biennale Une 5ème Saison (Aix-en-Provence, Fr, 2022), Sonic Protest (Paris, Fr, 2023), Rien à voir (Monestiés, Fr, 2023), Centre Wallonie Bruxelles (Paris, Fr, 2024),

Screenings: Espace Les Mariniers (Brussels, Be, 2014), “la Nuit de la Radio” (Ganges, Fr, 2015), Instants Chavirés (Paris, Fr, 2015), Nuit du Silence during Festival REWIND Phonurgia (Arles, Fr, 2016), Cinéréseaux (Bordeaux, Fr, 2018), Les Rencontres de Cerbère (Cerbère, Fr, 2018), Festival SonOhr (Bern, Ch, 2019), Tehdas Theatre (Turku, Fl, 2019), Festival Salmon (Barcelona, Es, 2020), Centre Pompidou (Paris, Fr, 2021), Cinéma Le Bretagne (Guichen, Fr, 2021), Cinema RITCS (Bruxelles, Be, 2021), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (Paris, Fr, 2022), Sonic Narratives (Timisoara, Ro, 2023), One Minute (Champcella, Fr, 2023), Scratch Collection (Fr, 2023), Médiathèque d’Albi (Albi, Fr, 2024), 

TV Broadcast: Arte, Hypernuit (Fr-De, 2023), 

Press: Syntone (Fr), Marsactu (Fr),

Texts: Étienne Noiseau, Belluard Festival, Exposition au Musée des Tapisseries,

Distributed by Light Cone (France)

Pictures by Gionata Morganti, Sara Lana, Luce Moreau and Félix Blume.
