Site Specific Workshop
Intensive 5 day workshop with Felix Blume in field-recording and sound art in the public space, with ‘the local’ as a key factor.
This autumn the internationally renowned sound artist and field recorder Felix Blume will lead a 5 day workshop in Klankenbos. SITE SPECIFICS focuses on field-recording and site specific sound art installation in the public space within the wide area of Pelt, located in the Belgian countryside. The participants will work on different locations (industrial, natural, agricultural, historical,..) starting from aural observation and working towards an ephemeral sound creation linked to radio, sound ethnography, sound walks, acousmatic creation, performance, music, social research, or other possible uses of sound.
The workshop encourages the participants to explore different techniques based on their own practice and interest. Working in situ, the participants will experiment with different ways to relate themselves to a place and local community using sound recordings, installation, action, personal music players or instruments amongst other possibilities. Whilst the focus lies on locality, the workshop aims to explore, via the medium of sound, global themes relating to for example; (sound) ecology, anthropology, participation, architecture, storytelling, etc. The workshop culminates with a public presentation during Klankenbos Nocturne 2019.
Organized by Musica, Impulscentre for Music.
Tue 29 Oct 2019 to Sat 02 Nov 2019 Klankenbos, Toekomstlaan 5, 3910 Neerpelt.