I remember the day I was born by Daniel Godínez-Nívon (Mexico)
I remember the day I was born
Through a transdisciplinary research-action program, Liminal Zones explores art as an agent of change in situations of social vulnerability. This program is developed through curatorial processes and workshops where pieces, objects and files are produced that reflect on the multiple relationships between teaching and learning. Liminal Zones provides a platform to design and integrate projects that develop critical actions and thoughts around conventional notions about contemporary art.
Oneirical Propaedeutic.
In 2015, the artist Daniel Godínez Nivón was invited to generate a work of art with the teenagers in Yolia A.C.
The final piece consists of the creation of a sculptural installation located in a specific mountain known as Iztaccíhuatl, which represents a garden of fossilized plants that have been dreamed for a year and a half of work.
The Oneirical Propaedeutic retakes strategies of teaching and learning of the traditional midwifery exercised in dreams. The work sessions consist of meetings on Sundays in Yolia and Wednesday in a collective dream.
Zonas Liminales / Yolia A. C.
Alumnos 47